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Responding Customer Needs with Developing Special Alloy.
World Leading Manufacturer of Low Thermal Expansion Alloy.
Responding trend of times, required quality level become severe and severe. We have established strict quality control (or assurance) structure by not only dimension measurement and visual inspection but also chemical composition of products has been analyzed by chemically and mechanically. CMM(Co-ordinate Measuring Machine) and X-ray non-destructive testing equipment are also adopted. We acquired ISO9001and strengthen our effort to upgrading our quality control and assurance to serve our product to our customers. Through our activities, It is our pride when if we could have our customers trust and satisfaction.
InspectionAdvanced analysis can be made with state of the art facilities.
Inspection method is differ in each product characteristics. Inspection from many angles has be made to cope with our customer’s requirement. We have been making precise inspection to serve our product in best condition by maintaining quality level and with latest equipment.
CNC gate-type three-dimensional measuring machine
Range of measurement : X1200 x Y2000 x Z1500
Accuracy of measurement : 3.5 + 5L/1000μm
Minimum display : 0.01μm
Horizontal arm-type three-dimensional measuring machine
Horizontal arm CMM
Range of measurement : X1480 x Y2150 x Z1500
Guarantee accuracy : 40μm
Minimum display : 10μm
Articulated three-dimensional measuring tester
Range of measurement : 3.7m (12 feet)
Fixed point repeatability
Measurement accuracy (between 2 points) : ±91μm
Layout machine
Range of measurement : X1480 x Y3600 x Z1500
Guarantee accuracy : 80μm
Minimum display : 10μm
Precision stone surface plate
Size : 1500 x 2000mm
Grade : 00 class (5μm)
Large test assessment board
Size : 3000 x 3000
Size : 1500 x 2000
size : 1500 x 3000
X-ray inspection apparatus (equipment)
Output voltage : 40 to 320kv
Inspection size : 500 x 1500 x 800H
Penetration capability : Iron 60mm
Digital ultrasonic inspection detector
Ultrasonic non-destructive inspection device
Type : UI25 (JSDN featured)
Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscope (ICP-OES)
When an atomized sample is sprayed on a plasma that is ionized by inductively heating the gas, a spectrum depending on the element is generated by the excitation of atoms. ICP-OES can qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the elements by distinguishing strength of the spectrums.
Fluorescent x-ray analyzer
Analyzer for measuring each element content of individual test pieces
Milling machine
A milling machine which finishes sample surface for component analysis uniformly by Fluorescent x-ray analyzer.
By measuring penetrated irradiated light of color reacted solution dissolved by acid.
Carbon and sulfur analyzer
Burning drilled chips by high-frequency heating and analyzing quantitatively for oxide out of carbon and Sulphur by infrared -absorbing method.
Chemical analysis pre-treatment facility
Pre-treatment facility before chemical analysis of cutting chip in dissolved in acid.
Product Range
Accumulated R&D effort and crystallization of refined technology.
New products
Alloy for grate of incinerator. / Alloy for furnace bottom air nozzle of biomass power generation boiler.
Alloy for grate of incinerator. / Alloy for furnace bottom air nozzle of biomass power generation boiler.
Low thermal expansion alloy
Heat Resistance
Wear Resistance